Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School

Success starts herePK3 through 8th Grade




I am Gissele Tovar

Technology Coordinator

I am from New York

I've been working at OLOL since August 2003

“Always try your very best in whatever you choose to do. If your name is on it, you have to always put your best effort.”
- My grandmother

About Myself

As a child, I wanted to be a doctor. I've always loved the medical field. But when I was in middle school I was lucky to have this amazing, kind, energetic, and patient math teacher. She totally inspired me to want to become a teacher and one day teach math in the same way.

Outside of my current position, I also oversee the school broadcasting elective to bring the latest school news to all Jaguar families. Before being Technology Assistant, I have been a Kinder, 3rd grade and 5th grade teacher. Even though I love what I do now, I miss teaching in the classroom.

"I teach my students forgiveness, humbleness, patience, self-love, and kindness."

Outside of Jaguars

In middle school, I was in the dance team and I competed in horseback riding.

I have three schnauzers, Nina, Jackson, and Gordo. When I'm not at OLOL, I love to cook, play bingo, and go to the movies. Advent Celebration is my favorite event of the year.

Jaguar Memories

  • The heritage show where my 5th grade represented Argentina and we had someone dress up as the Pope and ride in a parent-made Pope Mobile.
  • My heart and soul goes into our 1:1 iPad program.

My Photo Album

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